push out
The term "push out" has versatile meanings ranging from physical actions to specific sports terminology.
(common)To force someone to leave a group or position.
- The manager decided to push out the underperforming employees.
(technical)To produce or generate something in large quantities.
- The factory can push out thousands of units per day.
(billiards)An optional shot in nine ball pool where a player can hit any ball first or not hit a rail, allowing the opponent to choose who shoots next.
- After the break, he decided to push out, giving his opponent a difficult choice.
(common)To expel or eject something forcefully.
- The machine pushes out the finished product every minute.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "push out":
force outpress outkick outpump outpush inrush outsqueeze outpush overpush throughpull outpush alongpush awaydrive outpush onpush aroundpush offpush pastpop outpush forwardboot output outpuff outwheel outpush backpack outthrow outflush outedge outpitch outhave outmove outbush outback outbox outblow outshit outtuck outchuck outpush up againstpoop outdump outpit outsqueeze one outpush and shoveget outtoss outpoke outlet outtip outsqueeze offfart outstick outpunched outspout outprice outfling outsub outtake outdrain outsling outbash outend outnut outcough outpunch outpull awaybust outpush upsend outsuck outream outblast outcome outpull inshove downshake outjump outbuck outway outbuff outroll outpound outguts output forthdraw outclear outspit outpull throughsee outspring outrig outcrap outshovel outpeal outswing outclean outpull backswitch outbreak outslip outburst outstop outgive outhaul outbowl outshow outpay outshove onspark outpull apartcheese outbang outbrass outpop offpull timesweep outmud outflip outkeep outsmoke outbelt outrip outstep outbeat outcrack outwalk outbring outtap outpunk outnose outtop outcash outpush the limitleak outtag outwhip outage outfire outring outcrop outbat outbutter outfluff outtrap outship outbitch outcork outcut outswap outpour outpuffed outclap outprang outterm outbelly outpop downgame outblock outcount outcome out withpull downpan outshove offfall outbung outbomb outspill outsponge outcrash outslop outfly outgo outget out offish outpinch outslug outprone outshove overhave it outall outrim outfactor outhit outeke outget outside ofprint outpad outnerve outwash outpop uptrot outjoin outshell outbrush outline outrun outduck outgutter outstink outplay out