quantum logic
"Quantum logic" is a non-classical form of logic derived from the principles of quantum mechanics, used to describe the behavior of quantum systems.
C2Quantum Mechanics
(technical, academic)A type of reasoning used to understand the relationships between propositions in quantum systems, differing from classical logic in handling superposition and measurement.
- Quantum logic helps explain why particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously.
(technical, academic)A formal system where the traditional distributive law does not apply, representing quantum propositions as subspaces of a Hilbert space.
- In quantum logic, the logical operations are represented differently than in classical logic.
C2Quantum Computing
(technical, academic)A framework for describing events and states in quantum systems, characterized by a lattice structure that captures their probabilistic nature.
- Quantum logic is essential for developing algorithms in quantum computing.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "quantum logic":
quantum mechanicsquantum theoryquantum limitquantum gravityquantum jumpquantum sufficitquantum tunnelformal logicepistemic logicquantum gravitationquantum soupquantum leappositive logiclogical language