rack off

Common in Australian slang, "rack off" is a less explicit way to tell someone to leave or go away.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Voice:
πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK Voice:



(informal, imperative)A phrase used to tell someone to leave or go away.


  • If you're not going to help, just rack off!
  • He told the annoying salesman to rack off.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "rack off":

rake offcrack offfork offhack offroll offhook offsack offbang offrip offfob offtoss offnick offclear offchuck offrake outthrow offpull offcrock offride offrack uprim outjag offlash offrig outblow offwire offtear offscrew offcome offrub offbear offlook offsling offmug offrun offscore offcross offwalk offshake offknock it offflick offlay offbeak offyank offcharge offhaul offconk offdo offbeat offleave offrake upbreak offcome off itgob offhit the rackgo offpick offnosh offbash outpass offpush offget offshove offcast offfall offmake offplay offwork offtell offrun off onstrike offknock offfoist offfreak offrarked uphop offtouch offtake offshit offwhack upslag offkiss offring offshrug offrip outfool rackhead offsag offwrite offfucked offgoof offburn offrob outread offstrip offrattle offmark offcook offdrive offbump offrough upbrush offsaw offhang offclaw offjack offrark upslack offcrack outtoss outback offnaffed offchalk offsqueeze offjump offrubbing offshoot offhacked offtap offstep offbunk offbore offslide off