rark up

Primarily used in New Zealand English, "rark up" can refer to various forms of provocation, reprimand, or motivation.

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B2Interpersonal Communication

(informal, slang)To reprimand or scold someone harshly.


  • The coach gave the players a rark up for their lack of effort.

B2Interpersonal Communication

(informal, slang)To provoke or annoy someone.


  • His comments really rarked me up.


(informal, slang)To motivate or hurry someone into action.


  • She rarked up the team before the big game.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "rark up":

rarked upruck upcrank uprake upamp upruffle upkick upgin upspark upfire upjerk upramp upjack upchirk upamped upgen upcranked upperk upvamp upstir uprough upscare uprake outgeed upprick uprug uprumple upcack upwork upgee upchurn uptart uprack uprub uprucked uppork upkeyed upgear upboil uphack uphot upstiff upbug upup in armsact upstew upwind upcure uprear backpump upbull upgas uproast upsmell uprack offget it updrum upcharge uphem uppipe upsharpen upspool uphype upnut uplair upbrew up