ream out

The term 'ream out' has various meanings depending on the context, ranging from severe reprimand to technical actions.


B2North American English

(informal)To scold or criticize someone harshly.


  • The coach reamed out the team for their poor performance.
  • She reamed him out for forgetting their anniversary.

C2Sexual Slang

(vulgar, slang)To forcefully penetrate a partner's anus.


(technical)To enlarge or smooth the inside of a hole using a reaming tool.


  • The machinist needed to ream out the hole to fit the new part.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "ream out":

ring outrig outhave outsee outrush outend outlet outlive outline outrough outspark outway outsing outbelt outstring outfar outsound output outfling outrim outshow outrhyme outread outair outblast outfart outgo outgive outtalk outrip outwild outpush outspout outstretch outpeal outreach outcome outshot outbat outleak outwrite outforce outrun outfield outlet ripplay outgame outsend outvision outfly outflare outstraight outage outfire outwheel outbash outget outfull outnerve outblow outback outfish outride outspread outpack outall outnut outshit outpan outterm outblab outsleep outpour outcrap outheel outfade outcall outspill outdraw outfluff outflip outball outwash outjoin outsling outspace outbreak outstick outhit outreach pastspin outhave it outdab outgoon outcheese outout therethink out loudshout outclap outdrain outcrack outburst outarm outeat outsmoke outrake outroll outprang outlash outfactor outwig outdial outact outfog outstink outedge outcool outout oftrip outbawl outkick outtop outcount outflame outblown outbranch outbox outget outside ofstep outfunk outbitch outbleed outreckon outshake outbelly outmack outsub outget outsidebush outplayed outlet loosejump outpuff outpump out