red-fin shark
Despite its name, the "red-fin shark" is a freshwater fish belonging to the Cyprinidae family, commonly found in Southeast Asian waters.
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(common)A freshwater fish known for its striking red fins and dark body, popular among aquarium enthusiasts.
- The red-fin shark is often added to aquariums for its vibrant color and dynamic presence.
(technical)A species of fish, Epalzeorhynchos frenatum, native to Southeast Asia, noted for its territorial behavior and preference for sandy river bottoms.
- Researchers study the red-fin shark to understand its territorial interactions with other species.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "red-fin shark":
freshwater sharkshark finground sharkblind sharkfrilled sharkhorn sharkgulper sharkhammerhead sharkcarpet sharknurse sharkmackerel sharkgrey nurse sharkshark baiterbeta fishshark attack