rim out

The phrase 'rim out' is most commonly used in basketball but can also apply in other contexts to describe actions related to the edge or boundary of an opening.

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(informal, sports)To miss a shot by having the ball bounce off the rim without going into the basket.


  • He took the final shot, but it rimmed out, and they lost the game.
  • It's frustrating when a perfect shot rims out at the last second.


(technical)To create, widen, or smooth the edge of an opening or hole.


  • The mechanic had to rim out the hole to fit the new part.
  • After rimming out the opening, the pipe fit perfectly.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "rim out":

rig outwheel outrough outream outrip outrack offring outrush outrhyme outround outtip outpeal outbuff outnut outrob outgutter outroll offheel outcut outbowl outkick outprice outscrub outhave outbat outedge outbud outrake outrub outroll outblow outbash outtrick outride outline outforce outboot outterm outend outclean outpimp outcrap outbuck outmud outwash outslop outrip intorough upthrow outpush outroot outrule outspin outrun outthresh outbeat outroll infoul outpitch outflush outbag outwig outspark outbar out