rise up

The phrase 'rise up' can denote physical movement, social rebellion, or increase in status or intensity.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Voice:
πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK Voice:



(common)To stand up from a sitting or lying position.


  • He watched her rise up from the chair and walk towards the door.

B2Social and Political

(formal)To rebel or revolt against authority or an established system.


  • The citizens decided to rise up against the oppressive regime.


(common)To increase in height, level, or intensity.


  • Smoke began to rise up from the chimney.

B2Influence and Status

(formal)To come into existence or prominence; to gain power or recognition.


  • New leaders often rise up during times of crisis.

B2Animal Behavior

(technical)For a horse or similar animal to rear up on its hind legs.


  • The horse suddenly rose up, startling its rider.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "rise up":

rise aboveget uprise from the deadstand upjump uprise to the purplerise to the occasionstep upgo upcome upspring uplift upmove upwake upride upstay upfight upget it upstand up tosit upcrease upclimb uphead upcome up tosend upride up onrow upbear upget up inhot upget on upstand up withbob upcome forthhop upgee upman uppipe upwell upbubble upfall upspeak upburst upup in armslook upjack upkick upshoot upstick upstand up and be countedhike uprun upturn upvalue raisespark upon the upgrow upget up the yardbuoy upraise the deadride outflame upstand up to be countedtake upstiff upsit up withbig upjerk upcowboy upbitch upfire upstir upgen upwork upgo up forsparkle upbell upbrace upbreak out