rock pigeon
The 'rock pigeon,' scientifically known as *Columba livia*, is a bird species widely found in urban areas across the globe.
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(scientific, general)A bird species known for its adaptability to urban environments, characterized by a pale gray body, darker head, white rump, and two black bars on its wings.
- The rock pigeon is commonly seen in city parks and on building ledges.
- Rock pigeons have become a ubiquitous part of urban wildlife.
(general)A type of pigeon that has been domesticated and later returned to the wild, serving as the ancestor of most domestic pigeon breeds.
- Many rock pigeons in cities are descendants of domesticated birds.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "rock pigeon":
blue pigeonwood pigeonsea pigeontopknot pigeonrock ploverpigeon droppingpigeon pairringed doverock ratturtle dovepigeon postrock wrenbower birdground doveperching birdcall birddead bird