rub up
"Rub up" has various meanings ranging from physical actions to metaphorical uses, often depending on context and region.
B2Physical Interaction
(general)To polish, smooth, or clean by applying friction.
- She used a cloth to rub up the silverware until it shone.
C1Knowledge and Skills
(informal, british)To refresh one's memory or improve one's knowledge of a subject or skill.
- He decided to rub up his French before the trip to Paris.
C2Physical Interaction
(slang)To rub one's body against another person, often in a flirtatious or sexual manner.
- The cat loves to rub up against my legs when it's hungry.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "rub up":
rub up onrub up againstrub alongrub downrub inbrush uprub outrough upoil uprub offscrub uppolish upruffle uprubbing offbutt upgrease uprug uprubbing oilwash uprub and tugrubbing postbrush backbrush downrumple upcoat uphand rubscuzz upruck updust offbrush outwork uptouch upbruise upsex upkick updo upscrub downchum uplimber uprun uplove upspruce uphem uprake upbuff upbrush offgum uprub someone's nose inrark updub uppaint uprub of the greencuff upbroom uphit up againstrucked upfluff upsharpen upscrub outgin upplay upoiled upgussy upmug uplubed upfreshen upbang upbull upmuss upfix upshine uptowel upbrace upgee upwipe upvamp upwarm upbump and grindtap upbeat upscrape upsponge downbug uprarked upgen uphutch upflex upbeat up on