rub up on

The phrase "rub up on" can have different meanings based on context, ranging from refreshing knowledge to physical interaction.



(informal)To refresh or improve one's knowledge or skill in a specific subject.


  • I need to rub up on my Spanish before the trip.

C1Social Interaction

(slang)To physically touch or press one's body against another person in a suggestive or flirtatious manner.


  • At the crowded party, he tried to rub up on her while dancing.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "rub up on":

rub upbrush uprub up againstpolish uprub alongmug upread uprub inrub downscrub upsharpen uprub outrough upoil upbutt upspruce uprug uprub offgen upgrease updo upbuff upfreshen upchum uptouch updust offruffle upwork upclue upruck upcoat upvamp uplimber upbrace upsmarten upfix upwash uppolish offhit up against