rucked up
The term "rucked up" is commonly used to describe the state of fabric being bunched or wrinkled, and also has a specific meaning in rugby.
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(general)Formed into untidy folds or wrinkles, often due to being gathered or bunched up.
- Your dress is rucked up at the back.
- The blankets had rucked up around his feet.
(technical, sports)A formation where players are tightly packed together to gain possession of the ball.
- The team rucked up to secure the ball.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "rucked up":
ruck uprarked uprough uprumple uprug upruffle uprizzed uptuck upjacked upjumbled upbutt upbanged upjammed upbung upmuss upmuscled upballs upfolded upcacked upfuckered upscuzz upstuffed uprark upnicked upball uprub uptore upkick upcuff upmuddy upcrumple uprake upmessed uppuddle upmuck upbug upfrizzed upscrewed upjumble uprock updickied up