rumple up

"Rumple up" typically refers to the act of making something wrinkled or disordered, often through rough handling.

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(informal)To make something wrinkled or creased.


  • He rumpled up his shirt by sitting on it.
  • The wind rumpled up her hair.


(informal)To disarrange or disorder by rough handling.


  • She rumpled up the bed covers while making the bed.
  • The kids rumpled up the papers on the desk.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "rumple up":

ruffle upcrumple uprough upjumble upmuss uprucked upmuddle upruck upjumble togetherrip uptumble upmess upsnarl upchurn upjumbled upscrump uprake upfluff uprub upscuzz upcrumb upmix upbug upfoul upmuck upshake upbruise upstir uppluck updust uptear upbugger upmuddy upput a crimp inrark uprarked upballs uppuddle upkick upcurl upfrizzed upscrew uprub up againstgum uptrip upmist upgoof uprug upball uptore upjam upfall uphem uprustle someone's jimmieskick up dustwhip upfold up