rush out

The phrase "rush out" can describe either a hasty departure or the rapid production and release of an item.

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To leave a place quickly and in a hurried manner.


  • When the alarm sounded, everyone rushed out of the building.


(informal)To produce or release something rapidly, often due to urgent demand.


  • The company rushed out a new version of the software to fix the bugs.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "rush out":

flush outdrain outpush outpump outforce outpour outleak outring outsqueeze outwash outrun outspill outlet outpress outream outdrive outshit outkick outrig outspout outcough outspark output outpoop outfart outblow outdump outclear outburst outcome outclean outslip outrush inrush offspring outdrink outbush outgive outget outbash outcash outhave outsweep outwheel outrim outback outbleed outsuck outpour forththrow outcrap outpull outswamp outmud outshake outsweat outsqueeze one outfly outcrash outpack outway outsqueeze offdraw outslop outgutter outbust outboot outrun out onend outblast outsee outwash awaynut outbat outthresh outwring outfish outair outedge outcome out withsmoke outtrap outrun offfling outsponge outduck outspit outbowl outgive vent tofall outpuff outchuck outtoss outjump outcork outget out ofage outbelt outmove outshell outgo outfire outbreak outpop outwalk outblow throughsend outbrush outfoul outprice outbomb outfilter outpeal outpay outbrass outbug outstink outsub outshow outtap outtalk outwrite outrake outgame outbail outtake outcount outdown the drainbuck outcrack outpour inflare outpitch outrip outshovel outpit outguts outtip outscrub outwash downcheese outsputter outsling outball outcrop outboil offnerve outblown outspin outrinse downall outroot outclap out