sea goose

The term "sea goose" can refer to different animals depending on the context, primarily a type of bird or a marine mammal.

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(technical)A small wading bird known for its long legs and distinctive plumage, often found in coastal areas.


  • The sea goose can often be seen foraging along the shoreline during migration.

B2Marine Biology

(informal)A marine mammal with a streamlined body and a beak-like snout, known for its intelligence and playful behavior.


  • While on the boat, we spotted a sea goose swimming alongside us.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "sea goose":

green goosegoose upsea crowgooney birdsea pigeongoose egggooseneck barnacletree duckwild-goose plumsea beargooseberry puddinggooseberry tartspreading gooseberry