sea monk

The 'sea monk' is a mythical creature from European and Japanese folklore, often depicted with features resembling a monk.

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C1Japanese Folklore

(mythical)A supernatural being known as Umibōzu, appearing as a giant human-like head rising from the sea, often feared for capsizing ships.


  • Sailors feared encountering the Umibōzu, the sea monk of Japanese folklore, due to its menacing presence.

C1European Folklore

(historical, mythical)A creature described as having the head of a monk and the body of a fish, often depicted in 16th-century European accounts.


  • The sea monk was said to have been found in the Danish Sea in 1546.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "sea monk":

sea monstersea dragonsea devilsea mousemonk's headsea bearsea catsea donkeysea lemonsea spidersea drakesea pusssea pumpkinsea ratsea leopardsea lawyersea horsewhite monkeysea ravensea robinsea applesea snake