sea pink
"Sea pink" is a common name for a resilient coastal plant known for its vibrant pink flowers.
(general)A perennial plant, also known as thrift, with narrow leaves and bright pink flowers, typically found in coastal areas.
- Sea pinks add a splash of color to the rocky shores.
- The sea pink thrives in salty, dry conditions.
(technical)A plant of the genus Armeria, specifically Armeria maritima, known for its compact growth and vibrant flowers.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "sea pink":
sea greensea peachsea applesea onionsea lemonsea oatssea strawberrysea cabbagesea pumpkinsea hollysea mousesea trumpetsea grapesea lightsea beansea spleenwortsea piesea mosssea needlesea larksea lettucesea chickweedsea capsea catsea nettlesea swallowsea snipesea colandersea kingsea pussshore thistlesea drakesea woodlousesea pikesea cardsea donkeybeach peasea holmsalt cedarsea loadsea rover