sea scallop

The 'sea scallop' is a type of shellfish known for its edible muscle and is a staple in many seafood dishes.

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C1Marine Biology

(technical, scientific)A large, deep-water bivalve mollusk with a fan-shaped shell, found in the Atlantic Ocean, specifically *Placopecten magellanicus*.


  • Sea scallops are known for their distinctive fan-shaped shells.


(common, informal)The edible adductor muscle of a large, deep-water scallop, prized for its sweet flavor and tender texture.


  • The chef prepared a delicious dish using fresh sea scallops.
  • Sea scallops are often served seared or grilled.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "sea scallop":

surf clamsea colandersea snipesea peachsnow crabsea pikesea caprazor clamhalf shellsea catsea woodlousesea mousesea applesea scorpionhorse musselsea strawberrysea pumpkinpink shrimpsea oatsseafood boilsea card