sensory play

"Sensory play" is a concept widely used in child development to engage and stimulate the senses, promoting various skills and cognitive growth.


B2Child Development

(educational, informal)Activities that engage a child's senses such as touch, smell, taste, sight, and hearing, to foster cognitive and motor skills.


  • Finger painting is a popular form of sensory play that helps children develop fine motor skills.
  • Playing with sand and water tables provides rich sensory play experiences for toddlers.


(academic, technical)Playful activities designed to stimulate the five main senses, often involving toys with distinct textures, sounds, lights, tastes, or smells.


  • Sensory play can be beneficial for children with sensory processing disorders.


(adult, BDSM)Activity where one partner delivers various sensory stimuli to the other, including those that may cause pain.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "sensory play":

food playwet play