sex up
The phrase "sex up" is often used in informal contexts to describe enhancing appeal, whether through sexual, fashionable, or sensational elements.
(slang, informal)To make something more exciting or appealing by adding sexual or glamorous elements.
- The director decided to sex up the movie to attract a larger audience.
(slang, informal)To exaggerate or sensationalize information to make it more interesting.
- The journalist was accused of sexing up the story to boost ratings.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "sex up":
spice upjazz uppimp upgussy upvamp upamp upsoup upplay updress updo uphot upspruce uplove upliven upcolor upjazzed uptalk uphype upskank upsugar upsparkle updone uppepper upgen upkick upjuice upamped upspark upperk upbrighten upsauce upbooze uppump uprub updressed upget it uppimp outsadden upfix upwhore upheat upbutt uppolish upshape upstep updress outgeed upbutch upswitch upoil updub uppaint upup the antehem updope updoctor upboss upkiss upshine upsteam upgin uptouch upsharpen upstiff uphoney upfire upplump upmarry upsuit upgee upsmoke upfight upbuff upink upwork upcheese upfreshen upfit upjack uphit upbig uppink upscuzz uptrump uptone upturn up the heathave sexage upsize upruffle upgrease upgas upmix it uphop uphook upsend upcouple upchange upmove upfluff upjoke upsimmer upcook upconnect up