sexual majority

The term "sexual majority" typically refers to individuals whose sexual orientation aligns with the most common or accepted norms within a given culture, usually heterosexuality.



(general)Individuals whose sexual orientation is the most common or accepted within a society, usually heterosexual.


  • In many cultures, the sexual majority is composed of heterosexual individuals.
  • Policies often cater to the preferences and needs of the sexual majority.


(academic)People who are part of the mainstream of accepted sexual expression or orientation in a given culture, excluding those who identify as LGBTQ+.


  • The sexual majority often influences societal norms and legal frameworks regarding relationships.
  • Understanding the dynamics between the sexual majority and minority can help in creating more inclusive policies.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "sexual majority":

sexual minoritythird sexgender minoritysame sexgender diversesexual revolutionopposite sexsexual relationsequal marriage