shit out

The term "shit out" is a vulgar slang phrase with multiple meanings, often used in informal and rude contexts.


C2Informal Speech

(slang, vulgar)To create or produce something of very poor quality.


  • The company really shit out that new product; it's full of flaws.

C2Violent Action

(slang, vulgar)To beat, kick, or harm someone severely.


  • He threatened to beat the shit out of anyone who crossed him.

C2Literal Use

(slang, vulgar)To expel waste from the bowels.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "shit out":

poop outshit onfart outspit outcrap outpit outspout outtake a shitrush outcough outshot outspark output outpush outdump outgive outlet outbitch outhave outshell outshit offshow outsqueeze one outpump outbash outdrink outthrow outeat shitshit oneselffor shitshit the bedguts outslop outdog shitspout offtype shitrig outforce outflush outshower of shitbat outget outnut outchuck outspill outream outkick outgo to shitfish outsuck outthrow upstraight outpour outblab outtoss outshoot outbelt outpass outstink outsee outblow chunksfire outcome outhave it outdumb outsmack outtalk shitpack outblow outshut outblast outshake outgame outbeat the poop out ofcrap one's pantstalk outshit factoryscript outboot outshout outslug outload of shitsqueeze outbomb outhit outshovel outspec outpitch outshit talkleak outsputter outsmoke outend outout of ithack uppress outcough upcrap oneselfdrain outshoot one's loadshoot offprint outburst outchoke outsound outthresh outsleep outdump oncheese out