shot out

The phrase "shot out" can refer to rapid movement, eradication of game due to hunting, or being mentally affected by excessive drug use.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Voice:
πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK Voice:



(common)To move or extend suddenly and rapidly.


  • The cat shot out from under the bed when it heard the loud noise.


(technical)Describing an area where all game has been eradicated due to excessive hunting.


  • The forest is completely shot out, and no deer have been seen for years.


(informal)Being mentally impaired due to excessive drug use.


  • After years of substance abuse, he was totally shot out.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "shot out":

shoot outshoot offshout outshoot throughno shotshots firedpot shotlong shotfire outwarning shotblast outshit outshoot backgut shotmoney shotcheap shotshow outpop shotbody shotdog shotshoot downset shotshot putblown outshot in the armshut outshoot uptrick shothit outfire offbig shotspout outream outshoot one's shotstolen shotsun shotblow output outfly outcall outstraight outblast awayspark outsend outshoot a birdshoot from the hiphave outgun downsee outsmoke outgun offsling outhook shotjump outblitz outblast upball outboot outshooting boxpop outblast offway outbat outall outblow out of the waterbash outdrop shotend outtake aimspout offfire awayshoot the moonpitch outsing outsend up