show out
The phrase "show out" has multiple meanings, commonly used in informal contexts to describe actions related to escorting or displaying behavior.
(transitive)To escort someone out of a place, often a building or event.
- The security guard was asked to show out the disruptive guest.
(informal, slang, intransitive)To display one's abilities or talents in a conspicuous or ostentatious manner.
- He always shows out during the talent show with his incredible dance moves.
(informal, slang, intransitive)To behave in a way that is not typical, often to gain attention.
- She decided to show out at the party, surprising everyone with her bold outfit.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "show out":
show offhave outshow oneselfsee outrig outshowing offball outbring outstand outcome outgame outfor showstep outturn outpop outshow upplay outream outshot outstick outgo outtrot outtrick outshit outtip outpack outact outsing outget outshow the flagput outwheel outline outhave it outwhip outbitch outsub outdress outbat outway outbreak outback outshout outbust outshoot outplayed outwalk outlive outstay outspark outflip outdeck outfull outall outspec outbox outbig showlet outturn upbadge outheel outwild outsleep outpimp outpush outblow outbelt outstop outcall outshow some skinend outcome out withstyle it outgive outjump outsound outwrite outbash outsell outfunk outswing outbuck outcrap outshow one's clawsgood showgoon outedge outbring out of oneselfturned outset outforce outboss upfield outsmoke outmack outcheese outclap outtag outcrop outfish outpop offbad showeat outair outdrink outbrass outcount outkick outspout outrush outhold outtalk outpassing showsit outbeat outshut outnight outshake outprint outstraight outprice outshine throughboot outtest outkit outfire outpitch outspring outget outsidetrap outbush outmark outshine upbung outtop outcrack outhaul outdab outdumb outshell outfar outscript outrhyme outtake outserve outnot outbear outcheck outcool outshow who's boss