skank up
The phrase "skank up" has roots in both musical culture and colloquial speech, with meanings ranging from dance styles to informal descriptions of dishevelment.
(informal)To dance with energetic, rhythmic movements, often associated with reggae or dancehall music.
- The crowd started to skank up when the reggae band began to play.
- She loves to skank up to her favorite dancehall tracks.
(informal, slang)To make something appear disheveled or messy, especially in relation to appearance.
- The rain really skanked up her makeup before the party.
- He skanked up his room so much that it looked like a tornado hit it.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "skank up":
whore upsmell upscuzz upsex upstink upbitch uppimp upskinny upsnot upsmoke upwhack updope uphot upkick upvamp upjerk upscoot upboss upbunk upsmack upink upamp upchum upgussy upliquor upwhore outscrump upget up inhit upbutt updo upcheese upstick upbooze upknock upbig upmuss upsparkle uppimp outplay upcamo upnut upget it uphoney upstiff upjoke updone uplove uphook uphutch upbug upscrub upjack up