slug line

The term "slug line" is used in various fields to denote brief, identifying text that provides essential information about content or context.

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(technical, creative)A heading in a script that indicates the location and time of a scene, often in uppercase letters.


  • The slug line 'INT. OFFICE - NIGHT' sets the scene inside an office during the night.


(technical)A short phrase or title used to identify the content or subject of a news story.


  • The editor added a slug line to the article to summarize its main topic.


(technical)A brief identifier used to label and track a manuscript or article through editing and layout stages.


  • The manuscript had a slug line to ensure it was correctly tracked during the editing process.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "slug line":

fly lineloop lineslug outledger linespring lineslash linecut slingloadline guntrim linesupply linesling updown linefly slipliner lockscare lineback linehog lineplain linegreen line