slug out

The phrase "slug out" often refers to engaging in a physical confrontation or fierce competition, and it is commonly used in informal contexts.

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(informal)To engage in a vigorous and prolonged physical fight or confrontation.


  • The two boxers decided to slug it out in the ring.


(informal)To compete fiercely or struggle intensely to achieve a goal or win a contest.


  • The teams slugged it out until the final whistle.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "slug out":

slop outsling outslip outslug lineslopping outslop shootdrag outrig outslide offsling offgrub outsqueeze outstop outmud outsqueeze playnut outstrike outslip induck outtag outstring outsnake outfly slipstomp outstall outbash outtrap outshit outpitch outduke it outbuck outcrap outpush outslip offforce outstink outshake outsqueeze offscratch outflake outstub outhaul outdump outslip it toswamp out