social fascist

The term "social fascist" emerged in the early 20th century from communist factions as a derogatory label for social democrats, accusing them of enabling fascism.


C2Political Critique

(derogatory, historical)A label used by some communist groups to accuse social democrats of covertly supporting or enabling fascist principles through their policies.


  • During the 1930s, communist parties often referred to social democrats as social fascists, blaming them for not opposing capitalist structures strongly enough.

C2Modern Political Discourse

(derogatory, informal)A term used to criticize individuals or groups perceived as advocating for authoritarian measures under the guise of promoting social welfare.


  • Some far-left critics labeled the politician a social fascist for his perceived compromises with capitalist interests.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "social fascist":

red fascistsocial imperialismsocial democracyscientific socialismfar leftist