spark up
The phrase "spark up" is versatile, often used in informal contexts to indicate the initiation of an activity or to make something lively.
B2Social Interaction
(informal)To begin a conversation or activity.
- She tried to spark up a conversation with her new colleague.
(informal)To ignite or light a cigarette or other smoking material.
- He decided to spark up a cigarette after dinner.
(informal)To cause something to become lively or animated.
- The DJ's music sparked up the party atmosphere.
(technical)To provide electrification to a railway line.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "spark up":
fire upblaze uplight upsmoke upstrike upflame upsparkle uplit upliven uphot upspice upkick upgen upperk upamp upgas upspring upheat upfired upbrighten upflare uprark upsteam upburst uppower upgee upstart upcatch firekick startpipe upsex upbrew upjuice upjazz upcharge upvamp uphit uptart upgin upcrank upget it upsoup upjump upchirk upstir upturn ongo up in smokeconnect uphop upblow upboot upstrike a lightpepper upburn uprev upscorch upjerk upfight upturn up the heatadd fuel to the fireturn upspruce uppimp upsend upshoot uppump upspin upstart offspool uplighten uprise upstep upsmoke outget on uprarked upboil upbooze upgeed upset alightjack upamped uppop offstart intostick upget up inbug upbrace upcome upshape upkick up dustdope upbuck uphit offgo up in flames