spiny rat
"Spiny rats" are a group of rodents known for their stiff, pointed hairs or spines, primarily found in tropical regions.
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(technical)A rodent from the family Echimyidae, notable for its stiff, pointed hairs, mostly found in Central and South America.
- The spiny rat uses its sharp hairs as a defense mechanism against predators.
- Researchers discovered a new species of spiny rat in the Amazon rainforest.
(technical)A murine rodent from the genus Maxomys, Tokudaia, or Echiothrix, distinguished by its bristle-like fur.
- The spiny rat of the genus Maxomys is often found in Southeast Asian forests.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "spiny rat":
spiny pocket mouserock rattree ratrice ratfish-eating ratbush ratspiny broombig-headed rice ratlarge-headed rice ratfield ratwater ratsand rathog mouseplague ratsea ratlaboratory ratrat's nestpack ratdesert ratsewer ratporcupine grasshairy armadillo