spout out
The phrase "spout out" is often used to describe a forceful and continuous release, whether it be of a substance or words.
(informal)To release a liquid or substance forcefully and continuously.
- The fountain spouted out water all day long.
- Oil spouted out of the broken pipe.
(informal)To speak at length in a forceful or tedious manner.
- He spouted out his opinions without considering others' views.
- She spouted out facts and figures during the meeting.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "spout out":
spout offspit outspill outspark outblab outcough outshit outburst outspring outsputter outpour outshoot off at the mouthbelt outrush outleak outtalk outpush outgive outspill one's gutspour forthfart output outpump outlet outsound outpop outpit outbust outream outdrink outrun off at the mouthblast outshot outbash outshell outsing outpoop outcough upshout outgive vent topuff outcome outshoot offcome out withblow outsling outfling outspaz outspec outblow the gaffdump outup the spoutspeak upstick outpitch outburst uplash outpipe upsqueeze outjump outspit firegive forthspell outcall outbreak outspin outprang outshow outbawl outrattle offbubble upmouth offhave outfire outcrack outsqueeze offthrow outspit featherstip outring outbrass outspell it outforce outpress outflush outshoot outsponge out