spring out

The phrase "spring out" typically refers to a sudden or energetic emergence, often involving quick movement.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Voice:
πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK Voice:



(common)To appear or come out suddenly and energetically.


  • The cat sprang out from behind the curtain.

B2Physical Movement

(common)To leap or jump out quickly.


  • He sprang out of bed as soon as the alarm rang.


(less common)To originate or arise from a particular source or cause.


  • The idea sprang out of a casual conversation.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "spring out":

spring upjump outpop outburst outspout outcome forthburst upbust outspill outcome outspark outbreak outrush outfly outwell upspring linejump upflip outbubble upcome out withswing outcrop outbranch outpour forthleak outpop offpush outcome uppop uppour outfling outstep outbob upbush outslip outfall outgive forthspout offpop downlet outring outflare outprang outpump outgrow out ofbounce backturn outforce outsqueeze outspin outcrack outstick outshow outjump aboutsing outpeal outball outbring forth