spruce up

The phrase "spruce up" is commonly used in informal contexts to describe actions taken to make something look cleaner or more attractive.

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πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK Voice:



(informal)To make something or someone look cleaner, neater, or more attractive.


  • She decided to spruce up her living room with new curtains and a fresh coat of paint.
  • He spruced up for the interview by wearing a suit and tie.

B2Home Improvement

(informal)To enhance the appearance or condition of a space by cleaning, repairing, or adding decorations.


  • We need to spruce up the backyard before the guests arrive.
  • They spruced up the kitchen with new cabinets and countertops.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "spruce up":

polish upgussy upfreshen updo upfix upjazz upbrush upperk upspice uptouch upsoup upsex upsharpen upbrighten upvamp uppimp upliven updone upscrub upshape updress upsparkle uprub up onfluff uprub upamp upspruce tipplump upjazzed upprick upclean uptune uptrice upspark upsmarten upstraighten upbroom uppepper upmake overfirm upchirk uptighten uppluck upbutch upjuice updeck outruffle uppaint upcolor uptone up