stand up

The phrase 'stand up' has diverse meanings, from physical actions to social behaviors and entertainment forms.

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To rise to an upright position from sitting or lying down.


  • Please stand up when the national anthem is played.


(idiomatic)To fail to show up for a planned meeting or date without prior notice.


  • He was upset because she stood him up on their first date.


To remain effective or valid over time.


  • This theory has stood up to years of research.


(idiomatic)To defend or support someone or something boldly.


  • She stood up for her friend during the argument.


A form of comedy where a performer delivers jokes while standing alone on stage.


  • He made his debut in stand-up comedy last night.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "stand up":

get upstand up withstand up tosit upstay upstand forstick upstand onrise upstep upstand withstand instand up and be countedstand up to be countedman upjump upall standinghead upget it upget up instraighten upstand bystiff upwake upnut upsit up withspeak updead standsit downon one's feetat a standstand on endget on upgee upmove uplift upgo upkip upcome upjerk upstand stilllook uphands uppipe uprise abovecome up tostand backbitch upget up the yardsend upbear upstand fastshape upput upbig upup stickson one's legspull uprise to the occasionsit understand behindclimb upgo upstairsbrace upfront upfight uphold upgrow upupright manstep forwardfall upout on one's feetshow uppush upstep offstand patsit forbob upjoke upstep onsit stillpick oneself up off the floorstack upcowboy upup forget up earlyhop upscoot upstep outget onride upstand asidepull up onbelly upsit righthem upset upboss upsquare upchin upmusic standkick uppull up your pantsstand outbuck upstand offbutt upleg upflex upsit backstep toperk upstand downback upon the upput one's hand upstraight upsaddle upsit onjack up