star apple

"Star apple" refers to both a tropical tree and its distinctive fruit, known for its star-shaped pattern when cut open.

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(technical)A tropical tree, native to the Caribbean and Central America, known for its glossy leaves with a golden underside.


  • The star apple tree thrives in warm climates and is often grown for its ornamental value.


(common)A tropical fruit with smooth, leathery skin that can be purple or green, and a sweet, juicy pulp inside that forms a star-shaped pattern when cut.


  • When you cut a star apple in half, you can see the star-shaped pattern inside.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "star apple":

custard applemonkey applemountain applewax appleelephant applemammee applered applestar grassalligator appleapple cartseven-year applemamey sapotewood appleapple mintapple redapple honeystarfish flowerstrawberry treeapple rosehorse applesblack plumapple pear