steaming up

The phrase "steaming up" can refer to physical condensation or emotional agitation, depending on the context.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Voice:
πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK Voice:


B2Daily Life

(literal)The process where a transparent surface becomes covered with condensation.


  • The bathroom mirror was steaming up during the hot shower.

B2Emotional State

(informal)Becoming very angry or upset.


  • He was really steaming up after hearing the bad news.

C1Social Situations

(slang)Drinking alcohol excessively.


  • They were steaming up at the party last night.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "steaming up":

steamed upsteam upfog upsteam agesteam tablehead of steamsimmer upby steammist upsteam bathfogged outheat upboil uphot upstew upfoam upsteam powerflame upon the boilbrew up