stick up

The term "stick up" can refer to both criminal activities and acts of support or defense, depending on the context.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Voice:
πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK Voice:



(informal, slang)To rob someone using the threat of violence, usually with a weapon.


  • The robber decided to stick up the convenience store late at night.
  • He was arrested for attempting to stick up a gas station.

B2Social Interaction

(informal)To support or defend someone or something, especially when they are being criticized.


  • She always sticks up for her friends when they are in trouble.
  • It's important to stick up for your beliefs.

B2Physical Description

To project or extend upward or outward.


  • His hair sticks up in all directions when he wakes up.
  • The tower sticks up above the surrounding buildings.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "stick up":

stiff upstand upstuck uphead upstick downput upup sticksstick outstay upnut uphold upbutt upstand up withjerk uphands upget it upknife upstand up tosit upput up onstop upjack uppipe upbug upprick uphop upkip upfront upkick upsend upget up instick tobutts upbitch upup forlift upgun upbig uphot upstep upjump upstuff upput one's hand uppost upon the upget upshoot upstick withpink upgo upplay upfight uplook upman upbrass upbull uppull up onsnot uphem upbob upput one's hands uphole upchin upup the polesit up withhey upheads upprop uppull upleg upbell upbelly upbump uppaste upstack upjoke uprise upbuck upbung upperk updrive upboss upante upstraighten upmove upride up onone upbear upspeak upstand forgo up forgee upbroom upstand on endbrace upup in armsstick togethersmell upcome upcorner uppluck uppush upwindow uphike upstand inback upskank upduke upsticky bitbadge uppoke outstink upstand onwedge upup the asshaul upbutch upstraight upride uppush up againstact upstring upstand withspark upprice upcollar upjam uphoney upget on uppop upcuff upup the stumpruck upblock uphang uppick upblack upknuckle upstand up to be countedpop out