stiff up
The term 'stiff up' is used in specific contexts such as French polishing and informal slang, though it is not widely recognized as a standard phrase.
C2French Polishing
(technical)To apply a finishing technique without using oil.
- In the final stage of the process, you need to stiff up to achieve a high-gloss finish.
(slang)To become fully erect.
- He felt himself stiff up during the intense moment.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "stiff up":
stick upnut uphead upfirm upjerk uptighten upbrace upstay upstraighten upprick upsit upperk upharden upget it upbutt upbrass upstand upbear upstuck upbutch upcuff upbuck upflex uphot upjack upsit up withchirk upfight upbuoy upkick upstew upbitch upcollar upman upbull upstand up withshape upfront upon the upput uppuff upstand on endsharpen upfluff upstep upruck upstop uptrice upmuscled upbump upget sturdylengthen upgee upknife upstand up tosack upamp upgummy upkip upcheese uplift upbutts uppump uphike upgen upchin upjump upbell uphem uppork upjoke upliquor upplay upstuffed upsteel upknuckle uploosen uppipe upamped upsnot upmove upgeed upup stickshop upget up indo upskinny upbuff upbung uptone upwedge uprark upup the stumpgoose upsoften upvamp uppluck upup the polesex upcrank uplimber uphutch upprop upgin upsugar uphitch upget upup forboss uppimp uphoney upgun updope upjacket upcrease upleg upup in armsrise upwork uppepper upseize upchoke upbig upruffle upstand fastplump upbug upscoot upspike upball upbelly upup the antestick downsadden upsend uphold upskank uppush up againstbelt uppuffed upcowboy upbust uppitch updone upstraight uprein upante uppumped up