students' union

A 'students' union' is an entity within educational institutions that serves the interests and needs of the student body, often encompassing both organizational and physical aspects.

🇺🇸 US Voice:
🇬🇧 UK Voice:


B2Educational Institutions

(common, UK, US)An organization within a school, college, or university that represents and supports students, often providing services, activities, and advocacy.


  • The students' union organized a welcome party for the freshmen.
  • She joined the students' union to help improve campus life.

B1University and College Campuses

(common, US, UK)A building on campus that serves as a hub for student activities, social events, and various services.


  • Let's meet at the students' union for lunch.
  • The students' union has a café, a bookstore, and several meeting rooms.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "students' union":

student bodystudent life