stuff up

The phrase "stuff up" is commonly used in British and Australian English to describe making a mistake or causing a problem. It can also refer to blockage, especially in medical contexts.

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(informal, British, Australian)To make a significant mistake or error.


  • I really stuffed up the presentation by forgetting my notes.
  • He stuffed up the project by missing the deadline.


(informal)To cause nasal passages to become blocked.


  • My nose is all stuffed up from the cold.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "stuff up":

mess upmuck upbugger upgoof upfoul upstuffed upscrew upbug upmist upbotched upmuss upmessed upmuddle upmix upgum upscrewed upstop uptrip upslip upjam upfuckered upmess aboutstink upblock upsnot upmuddy upstuff itcrap upfucked upbunged upsnarl upfix upstick upjumble upbung upstew uphack upjammed upup the stumpstitch upfuck it upscuzz upsmell upstick one's foot in itfall upcack upmash upbust upmess withdo upmuck aboutstuck upcacked updust upbelly upjoke upbang upbutt upplugged upjumbled upact upblocked upchoke uptits up