stuffed up
The phrase "stuffed up" can describe physical congestion, emotional overwhelm, or problematic situations, often used informally.
(informal)Having nasal passages blocked, usually due to a cold or allergies.
- My nose is stuffed up because of my cold.
- Allergies always leave me feeling stuffed up in the spring.
(informal)Being in a difficult or problematic situation.
- I really stuffed up the presentation today.
- He got stuffed up with all the unexpected work.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "stuffed up":
bunged upstuff upplugged upsnot upjammed upstuck upstuff itblocked upcorked upstop upscrewed uppuffed upmessed upblock upbung upmist upgum upstuffed shirtbotched upbugger upfuckered upcacked upfucked upstink upbug upjam upjacked upsmell upjumbled uprucked upsteamed upstiff upup the stumppuffed outchoke upmuck upplug updone upbound upstew upcork upup the spoutmuss upfoul upgummy upstuck onsewn upscrew upgoose upstuffed animallard upmess up