sugar up
The phrase 'sugar up' is used informally to describe actions involving sugar, either literally or metaphorically.
B1Food and Drink
(informal)To add sugar to food or drink to increase its sweetness.
- She likes to sugar up her coffee every morning.
- The recipe suggests you sugar up the sauce for a better taste.
B2Diet and Health
(informal)To consume a large amount of sugary foods or drinks.
- The kids sugared up on candy at the party.
- He tends to sugar up when he's stressed.
C1Social Interactions
(informal, slang)To flatter or praise someone excessively to gain favor.
- She tried to sugar up her boss to get a promotion.
- He was obviously sugaring up the teacher for a better grade.
(informal, slang)To flirt or show romantic interest with the intent of seduction.
- He was sugaring up the new girl at the party.
- She knows how to sugar up anyone she finds attractive.
(informal, slang)To make something more attractive or appealing.
- They sugared up the presentation to impress the clients.
- The advertisement was sugared up to catch the viewers' attention.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "sugar up":
sugar downsugar outhoney upsugar candygummy upsugar babywhite sugarsugar lousejuice upmade of sugarpepper upsex upsugar bowlsalt upcheese upsugar shackglaze upsauce uplard upsugar grassliquor upjuiced upsuck uphot upsoup upfatten upamp upbooze updope upsparkle upspice upfluff upblood sugarbuff uppimp upsugar wallspork upsugar bushpump uplove uppower upgas upsmoke upkiss upskinny upvamp upgrain upstock upgrease upstiff upgussy upeat upsugar millplay upgum upsugar pillamped upjazz upsugar canesugar palmstay upbump upoil uphop upsadden up