swamp oak
The term "swamp oak" refers to various tree species that thrive in wet, swampy environments.
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B2North American Flora
(technical)A deciduous tree native to North America, known for growing in water-saturated soil, with peeling bark and dark green leaves with gray to white undersides.
- The swamp oak is often found in wetlands and along riverbanks.
B2Australian Flora
(technical)A small tree native to Australia, sometimes cultivated for ornamental purposes.
- The Australian swamp oak is popular in gardens for its unique appearance.
(common)A type of tree that typically grows in wet, swampy areas.
- Swamp oaks are well-suited to waterlogged soils.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "swamp oak":
swamp gumblack oakwhite oaklive oakswamp waterscrub oakblue oakswamp lilyoak ferndesert oakred oakpin oakturkey oakevergreen oakswamp outdurmast oakswamp angelswamp harrierwater beechblack alderblack mangroveswamp gasmarsh grasswater willow