swap shop
The concept of a "swap shop" involves exchanging items without monetary transactions, commonly seen in community events, media programs, and online platforms.
(informal)A venue or event where people trade items they no longer need for different items, often without money involved.
- The community center organized a swap shop where residents could trade clothes and books.
- She found a vintage lamp at the local swap shop in exchange for an old record player.
B2Digital Platforms
(online)A website or application where users can trade goods or services with each other.
- She used an online swap shop to exchange her old books for new ones.
- The swap shop app allowed users to trade skills and services.
(media)A radio or television show where participants can exchange goods or request items from others.
- Listeners called into the swap shop program to trade household items.
- The TV swap shop featured kids exchanging toys and games.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "swap shop":
junk shopshop timepot shopbig shopchop shopmagic shopwreck shopopen shopshop aroundswap inflea marketbucket shopauto shopbody shopjob shopyard saletalking shoppart exchangecomputer shopset up shophot shopsoft swaptalk shoptag saleshop talk