sword fern

The 'sword fern' is notable for its long, narrow fronds that resemble the shape of a sword, making it a popular choice for ornamental gardening.

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(common)A type of fern with long, narrow fronds that resemble the shape of a sword, often used as a decorative plant.


  • The sword fern is a popular choice for adding greenery to indoor spaces.


(technical)A fern species, particularly from the genera Nephrolepis or Polystichum, known for its sword-like fronds and adaptability in various environments.


  • Polystichum munitum, a type of sword fern, thrives in the moist, shaded areas of western North America.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "sword fern":

sword grassshield fernsword fightingsword drilllady fernsword swallowerasparagus fernflaming swordwater fernoak ferncross swordsleatherleaf fernroyal fernfan palmrabbit's-foot fern