tie up
The phrase "tie up" has various meanings depending on the context, ranging from physical actions to metaphorical uses in business and everyday activities.
(common)To fasten or secure something using a rope, string, or similar material.
- He tied up the bag and took it outside.
(idiomatic)To complete or finalize a project or task.
- They tied up the loose ends of the deal before signing the contract.
(idiomatic)To occupy or engage someone's time or attention, making them unavailable for other tasks.
- I'm tied up in meetings until 3:00 pm, but could meet after that.
(technical)To invest or commit funds in a way that makes them unavailable for other uses.
- The company tied up a significant amount of capital in the new project.
(technical)To dock or moor a boat or ship.
- They tied up the boat at the marina for the night.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "tie up":
tie intied uptie downtie tobind uptie offtie in knotstie in withtie the knotbound uplace uprope uptied in knotstie that bindsstring uplink upwrap upwrapped upzip tielock uptighten uptie oneself in knotschain upconnect uplace intotuck uptape upbind hand and foothook upjam upbelt uptack uphitch uploose endsew upfinish upmatch upfasten downdo upfree uppair uppin downsnarl uptat upstop uptight loopwind upstitch uplove upfetch upwrapping upblock upjoin upgum upink upnail downtuck inlasso uptrip uphung uprein uphem upbind offlocked upfix uptowel upbundle uppack upsquare awaymoor uptee uptrice upplug upsewed upcouple upbutterfly knottoes upbinding timecuff upzip uplock inkip uplash down