time tape
The term "time tape" can refer to various tools or records used in fields like healthcare, trading, and general contexts to track or analyze time-related data.
(technical, medical)A label placed on an intravenous fluid bag to monitor infusion time and fluid levels.
- The nurse used a time tape on the IV bag to ensure the patient received the correct amount of fluids.
(technical, financial)A real-time display of market data, including time, price, and volume of trades.
- Traders rely on the time tape to make informed decisions based on market activity.
(broad)A concept relating to the recording of time on media, such as audio or video tapes.
- The documentary explored the idea of time tape in relation to historical recordings.
Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "time tape":
tape echotape overon tapetape uptape outtime compressiontime traceadhesive tapetape drivetape ballduck tapedemo tapetime machinetime backpush timeduct tapewall timetime warpback timeflat timekeep timecoding timetime stopprimary timelive timetime historymissing timetime traveltime controltale of the tapegain timeticker tapepaint the tape