tool up

The phrase "tool up" is commonly used in informal contexts to describe equipping oneself or an organization with necessary tools, machinery, or weapons.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Voice:
πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK Voice:



(technical, informal)To equip a factory or production line with the necessary machines and tools for a specific product.


  • The factory was tooled up for high volume production.
  • They had to tool up the plant to produce the new model.

B2General Preparation

(informal)To gather or prepare the necessary equipment or tools for a particular task.


  • We need to tool up for the camping trip.
  • Now that we're tooled up, we can start the project.


(informal, slang)To arm oneself or a group with weapons in preparation for a fight.


  • The gang tooled up before heading out.
  • They decided to tool up for protection.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "tool up":

gear upgun upsuit uptee upfit updo upwork upamp uppower toolkit outgen upsharpen upnut upconnect uptack uppower upload upsoup upbrace upstep uppimp uptighten upgeed updeck outramp upstock upshape upvamp upfix upget readytune upink upbuff uphot upkeyed upsize uptrade upbutch upknife upfire upchisel upbuild upfight uptank updone uppump upamped upgas upcharge upoil upset upman updope upcrank upclue upread updrill uptape uptat up