trap out

The term "trap out" can refer to wildlife management practices or, in slang, to converting a place into a trap house.


B2Wildlife Management

(technical)To remove all individuals of a specific animal or bird from an area by trapping.


  • Conservationists decided to trap out the invasive species to protect the native ecosystem.


(informal)To transform a location into a place used for illegal activities, often related to drug dealing.


  • The abandoned house was trapped out and became a hub for illicit trade.


(technical)A method to relocate a bee colony by sealing all exits except one, encouraging bees to move to a new hive.


  • The beekeeper decided to trap out the bees from the old tree to a new hive.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "trap out":

tag outreverse trapmonkey traptip outbat outdump outescape hatchtap outway outtape outrig outtrick outstop outforce outcrap outterm outbaby trapcatch outget outkick outback outexit bagnut outbomb outthresh outfish outpack outbung outbar outtrip outbug outjump outpitch outpull outescape routebash outbuck outcold trapbag outhave outescape artistboot outfall into a trapcatch steprush outbadge outfly outswamp outget out ofduck outsub outcrack outfield outtrap nesttop outbox outpush outlet outswitch outfilter outslug outthrow outcop outsmoke outtapped outwheel outdrain outend outpump outclap outtrap carsee outstay outbail outspark outpit outsweep outdrive outdab outclock outball outflip outace outclean outbooby trapspec outslip outshow outage outbreak outpop outwalk outbush outbitch outtap offgame outclear outlock outcatch and releaseput outbust out