tunnel vision

The term "tunnel vision" can describe both a physical visual impairment and a metaphorical state of narrow focus.

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(technical)A condition where peripheral vision is lost, causing one to see only what is directly in front.


  • People with glaucoma may experience tunnel vision, making it hard to see objects to the side.


(figurative)A mental state where one focuses solely on a single task or idea, ignoring other important factors.


  • His tunnel vision on the project made him miss critical feedback from his team.

B2Stress and Situational Awareness

(figurative)Under stress, focusing intensely on a specific task while missing other important details in the environment.


  • During the emergency, she experienced tunnel vision and didn't notice the alarm going off.


Terms that have similar or relatively close meanings to "tunnel vision":

love tunnelwater tunnelvision outquantum tunneltunnel of love